
Welcome to my blog and look out for the exciting new projects, in which my group will be creating in the up and coming months for Media Studies.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Media Evaluation Powerpoint

Softwares that we used!

The software that we used was imovie and garageband was very useful and easy to use, however to start with we didn't’ know how to capture the video footage onto imovie so that we could edit our opening sequence. It was hard to pick which instruments to use for our soundtrack. If you wanted to put in sound effects they would be an error occurred saying that you couldn't use this sound effect at times. Although garageband was very useful to compose your own music and you could share it in itunes to put it our movie.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Props and costume remade for opening sequence

with us having to re-make our opening sequence our props and costume had changed
  • Gun
  • Room
  • Computer
  • Phone
  • Casual clothes
  • Boots
  • Checked shirt
  • Masks
  • Jeans
  • Braces

Video rough cut analysis


When we were filming we had numerous problems with cast not turning up also the lighting was a major problem. There was also a delay with the filiming schedual as props and costumes weren't ready for our specific filming days this set us back at least two days. Editing was also a challenge as the scene when she was coming out of the toilet this was far to long so we had to cut this down in our final cut. When we gave the rough cut to our tutor there was various things that was wrong with it as there wasn't enough variety of shots and the mise-en-scene was very basic. So our tutor decided it would be best to reshoot everything and to slightly change our narrative, this again set us back at least a week or so to get everything prepared and ready for filming.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Production Logo

Props and Costumes

  • Props
  • guns
  • posters
  • police badge
  • business card
  • phone
  • list of people
  • talking powder
  • ear pieces

  • costume
  • trilbe hat
  • trench coat
  • shirt and tie
  • black trousers
  • casual clothes
  • masks
  • hoodies

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment that we are going to do as a group is to look out for any dangers which may occur during filming.

The ground on the floor needs to be clear of any obstacles that may be on the floor unless we need any props on the floor for any reason. Ensure that all the people know what we are doing so that people passing by are not alarmed of the events that we are filming.
There's a section in the tunnel were it is partly flooded we will have to make sure that all people stay away from the water. Also we have numerous chase scenes so we will have to look out for anything which could potentially harm the actors during this crucial part of the scene, so being vigilant at all times will be essential. Protecting the Camcorder from any rain water or anything that could damage the camcorder.