
Welcome to my blog and look out for the exciting new projects, in which my group will be creating in the up and coming months for Media Studies.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Video rough cut analysis


When we were filming we had numerous problems with cast not turning up also the lighting was a major problem. There was also a delay with the filiming schedual as props and costumes weren't ready for our specific filming days this set us back at least two days. Editing was also a challenge as the scene when she was coming out of the toilet this was far to long so we had to cut this down in our final cut. When we gave the rough cut to our tutor there was various things that was wrong with it as there wasn't enough variety of shots and the mise-en-scene was very basic. So our tutor decided it would be best to reshoot everything and to slightly change our narrative, this again set us back at least a week or so to get everything prepared and ready for filming.

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